Aura Reading with Biopulsar

The aura scan gives you a snapshot of your general aura and the vitality of your energy body.

Learn More About Aura Reading with Biopulsar

Includes 20 minutes of foot reflexology.

The aura imaging is done using a machine called the Biopulsar Reflexograph. You put your hand on the hand plate (the reflexograph) and it reads the reflex points and the meridians of the hand. Those points coincide to all areas of the body. The reading is coming in through the electrical charge in your hand. If the force is strong in those areas, your reading shows up as being balanced in those areas. But if you are energetically weak in those areas, it will show up on the charts. Working with the concept that everything happens in your personal energy field before it happens in your physical field is what gives this tool such amazing capabilities.

In preparation for your session, it is important that you are well hydrated. You should inform your consultant if you are on any prescription or other medications because this can affect your personal readings.

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  • Effectively treatsANALYSIS OF aura and energy body